World Missions is at the center of our mandate as a ministry. Our core vision is to “Change People To Change Nations” through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The ministry headquarters of Joy House Ministries is in the London Borough of Brent, which is the most multi-cultural region in all of Europe. Every nation on earth is represented here in Brent. When you step out in Brent, you are confronted with the sounds, cultures and religions of the world. Our home is in a world mission field.
Our teams, however, travel to different nations of the world to support Churches and help the needy. We have special partnership with twenty pastors in the state of Andra Pradesh in India who have formed themselves into “Joy House India.” We support the pastors and their families with training & finances and help better the lives of the needy in their area.
We are also in a special relationship with a group of Churches under the leadership of Bishop Alistair Mashamba of AFM Malamulele West in the Limpopo Region of South Africa with special sponsorship packages for widows and needy children.
We have an ongoing covenant relationship with several apostolic ministries in the nation of Ghana where doors are open for us to minister to minster to the saved and unsaved. We also offer leadership training to University students and sponsor two orphanages in Ghana.
God has given us strategic partnerships all over the world which enables us to play our role, as enabled by the Holy Spirit, in World Missions

Wherever the wheel turns, the Gospel gets preached.

The Gospel of the Lord empowers a vocation for Women.