The strength of the young is that of excellence. God has always desired to use the vibrancy and energy of young adults to destroy the works of the enemy.
Anointed Youth are part of the Children and Youth Ministry in Joy House London and are aged between eleven and sixteen.
Service is held regularly on a Sunday afternoon where the Youth have the opportunity to engage in prayer, worship, intercession and receive impartation on the Word of God. The precious Holy Spirit is at the centre of each Service.
Our aim to build young people who are securely established in Jesus Christ and led by the Spirit of God.
Young People who have a personal relationship with Jesus and live a life which is a reflection of him.
The Lord is raising up a generation of young people with a heavenly Jesus mindset that have purposed in their hearts that they want to see the earth reflect and respond to God’s fiery love displayed on the cross.
This is what the Anointed young people ministry of Joy House London are pursuing. We want to see cultures change. Schools and educational institutions transformed. Homes and streets bursting with the songs of revival, and the destinies of youth and young adults in London beyond being discovered.
We at Anointed are passionate about cultivating intimacy through prayer and true worship with the Lord so we may adequately intercede for a needy world desperately seeking redemption.
Through our Sunday Worship meetings, Encounter midweek gatherings, Vision 30/30 commitment, Anointed Discipleship Program and various outreaches we are establishing Jesus’ love, mercy, grace, righteousness and judgement in the lives of our young people and their world.
“Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Your book were all written
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.
17How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!”
Psalms 139:16-17
Abena Asare-Frimpong (Youth Ministry Leader)